Why BX?

BX Finance is a platform for Founders. People who understand the power of web3 and want to accelerate the development of their project. Our platform is a completely decentralized, No-Code platform where technical and non-technical founders can create complete crypto projects without writing a single line of code.

What BX Finance Solves

Ease of entry

The goal of BX finance is to allow thinkers to act and build their ideas in web3, rapidly. If you've ever tried to build a crypto project as a non-developer, you'd know that hiring the right resources and developing a smart contract-based platform can be expensive. There's a lot that goes into programming a smart contract especially to ensure its security.

Bootstrapping almost never happens in web3 in countries that are not developed. This means that people with great ideas either have to find private investments from VCs and Angels or run a token sale to raise the funds. If you're bootstrapping with not a lot of money, conducting a token sale campaign can be a very tedious process. Moreover, the existing platforms that allow you to do this at low-cost, may not have everything you need to launch.

More often than not, founders find themselves searching multiple sources for the best, cost-effective solution for their projects. There's constant back and forth that happens and it can be very discouraging. Especially if you don't have a big team.


If you're small project or a solo founder, chances are that you might not be able to afford smart contract audits or security checks. Audits are very important to build trust with your community especially if your project is anonymous.

All smart contracts generated/used in BX Finance has been audited by a dedicated internal testing team and at least one external auditing company. This helps you enforce trust with your community and we also provide you a badge of trust for every smart contract that you deploy on the mainnet using BX Finance.

Last updated